Fantastic Four #253 1983. Fantastic Four #253, titled “Quest,” the Marvel Universe takes a cosmic turn. The Fantastic Four find themselves in the Negative Zone, encountering an ancient starship called Kestor’s Hope. This vessel, piloted by the descendants of its original crew, has been voyaging for over ten thousand years in search of a suitable home. As the FF learn about the Kestorians’ plight and their quest for survival, they grapple with moral choices, cosmic forces, and the delicate balance between power and vulnerability. With John Byrne’s artistry and Roger Slifer’s writing, this issue weaves a captivating tale of exploration, sacrifice, and the enduring bonds that define Marvel’s iconic quarte.
As the Fantastic Four dine with the Kestorians, they learn of the ancient civilization’s journey through the Negative Zone. The Kestorians’ technological utopia was lost millions of years ago, and now their massive starship holds the remnants of their people. Reed Richards, ever the problem-solver, seeks to repair their navigational computers and help them find a new home. Used.