Excalibur #1, released in June 1988, marks the inception of a captivating superhero team within the Marvel Universe. The world believes the X-Men have met their demise, but this is merely the beginning of a new chapter. Kitty Pryde, Rachel Summers, and Nightcrawler join forces to form Excalibur, the premier super team of the United Kingdom. Guided by Captain Britain, the team includes shape-shifting lover Meggan. As they navigate the coming days of terror, Excalibur’s unique blend of characters and their commitment to safeguarding their realm sets the stage for an enthralling saga.
The mystical Otherworld is embroiled in conflict, and a new era for mutant-kind unfolds. A fresh Captain Britain wields the amulet, fighting for the Kingdom of Avalon alongside her Excalibur companions: Rogue, Gambit, Rictor, Jubilee, and even the enigmatic Apocalypse. With 44 pages of vivid artwork, this issue delves into alliances, magic, and the struggle for survival in a world teetering on the edge of chaos. Used.
The mystical Otherworld is embroiled in conflict, and a new era for mutant-kind unfolds. A fresh Captain Britain wields the amulet, fighting for the Kingdom of Avalon alongside her Excalibur companions: Rogue, Gambit, Rictor, Jubilee, and even the enigmatic Apocalypse. With 44 pages of vivid artwork, this issue delves into alliances, magic, and the struggle for survival in a world teetering on the edge of chaos. Used.
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