WCAG Section 508 and ADA

     If you have a disability we are here to help. Please call our disability services phone line at 908-399-3989 during regular business hours and one of our helpers will help you navigate through our website, conduct advanced searches, choose items you are searching for with exact descriptions and specifications, read any specifications of any item and descriptions and also do consults on the products themselves and answer any questions. There is no fee for this added service for anyone with a disability. Your personal helper will explain our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, Return Policy and help place an order if needed. Please feel free to contact us by phone, email, or any means you are able to do so. If an alternate method of communication is needed, we will figure a way to communicate (other devices, interpreter, sign language, zoom). If you have any difficulties, please call us FIRST and we will assist.


     We have taken many steps to help anyone with a disability and continue to do so on an ongoing basis. We make consistent on-going changes to improve accessibility and make our website inclusive for all individuals whether disabled or not. We will try to improve the user experience for everyone and keep assessing on a daily basis to meet everyone's needs the best we can. Ways we have improved and will help include but not limited to:

  1. First contact for any issues and we will try to assist you by any means at our disposal.

  2. Contact us for any input errors and we will change them for you, or if you need us to input any information on your behalf, or if you needed anything explained or described, please let us know.

  3. Our website has easy navigation in a search bar form and proper main categories that are arranged in a logical format with subcategories.

  4. We provide continuous support. Each product field has an ask question field for additional help with each specific product. Additional questions can be answered here.

  5. We do not discriminate in any way and provide an all-inclusive environment and experience. Please contact us if any issues arise.

  6. All photos have alt text included for a better description of what the photo is of. (If one happens to be missing, please call us and we will describe it for you)

  7. All links on the website have link text which describes a brief summary of where the link will lead.

  8. There are no PDF files to access on our website.

  9. The website has a one-color background theme setup to avoid poor contrast issues and to avoid difficulties for individuals with seeing multi color issues.

  10. We have no flashing or color flashes to avoid seizures and vision issues.

  11. Our writing is based off of a dark lettering on lighter background or lighter lettering on a dark background system.

  12. Our collection descriptions are in big size letter font, and we are enlarging fonts on a continuing basis.

  13. We try to avoid any use of video at all on our website. If a few do exists do to uploads not by us, we will be happy to describe and read or interpret the video for you.

  14. Audio on our website is avoided wherever and whenever possible.

  15. Scrolling text fields are very limited and exist at one position. If this causes a problem for you, we can pause it, hide it, or remove it for you upon request to make your experience easier.

  16. We avoid images that are only text except for our logo.

  17. Please let us know of any issues you may have so we can be of assistance to better the experience of all web surfers.

  18. Our website should be suited for larger desktop monitors or smaller cell phone monitors and devices.