What are Different Schools of Art to Buy Paintings From?

     Art history is a rich tapestry of many different schools and movements that have shaped the way we view art.  Each school has its own unique style, techniques, and philosophies that have influenced artists throughout the ages.  Some of the most prominent include Realism, Impressionism, Abstract Expressionism, Cubism, Surrealism, and Pop Art.

     Realism is described as the precise and accurate depiction of the visual world as we see it.  Artists sought to capture the world as it truly existed and focused on everyday scenes and objects of ordinary life.  This school includes Gustave Courbet, Edouard Manet, and Jean-Francois Millet as examples.

     Impressionism is known for focusing on capturing dying moments of light and color.  Artists such as Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Mary Cassatt sought to portray the effects of sunlight and atmosphere on subjects, often using quick, loose brushstrokes to create a sense of movement.

     Abstract Expressionism is characterized by its use of gestures and emotions to create non-representational pieces.  Artists such as Jackson Pollock, Cy Twombly, and Franz Kline sought to convey inner feelings and emotions through their use of color, form, and texture, often creating large-scale, gestural paintings that were meant to evoke a visceral response from the viewer.

     Cubism, pioneered by artist Pablo Picasso, is characterized by its use of geometric shapes and fragmented forms to depict subjects from multiple angles.  This is the art of breaking down particular objects into smaller components and reassembling them differently to create something new.  Cubist artists challenged traditional perspectives and representations.

     Surrealism is known for its use of dreamlike imagery and subconsciously visually striking and psychologically evocative ideas to produce imaginary pieces.  Artists such as Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, and Andre Breton tapped into the irrational and absurd to create works that defied conventional logic.  This art school is located on the total opposite spectrum from realism, its Ying and Yang.  

     Pop Art from the fifties and sixties is characterized by the use of mass culture and consumerism.  Andy Warhol tried to elevate everyday objects and images to fine art, often using bright colors and bold graphics to create visually striking works that reflected popular culture.

     Different schools of art reflect diverse ways in which artists have interpreted and engaged with the world around them.  From realism to experimentation of Abstract Expressionism, each school offers a unique perspective on the nature of art.  By studying these schools and their techniques, we can gain a deeper understanding of the history, evolution and ways in which artists continue pushing boundaries of creativity.  Find the school you love most, start your niche collection of artists and buy paintings you enjoy.  Before collecting, it is imperative to learn what schools are out there and what artists paved the way in those.  By learning the history of art, you may be able to capture the beginning of a new movement that may change the world, and also increase the value of your collection at the same time.  Please visit CycloneSale.com to view our various selection of original art paintings across various schools.